Sonntag, 17. März 2019

Diary March 16th

The noise situation was somewhat better today: In the morning we checked possible reasons and fopund at least one reason in the house which made noise due to porr grounding. This made it 10 dB better and the activity started to make fun. 

Sadly we wasted roughly 1 hour altogether sending OOO to stations that were calling us but apparently not copying. Generally we assume that everybody who is calling us does also copy us or at least has a clear sync. It is very annoying if you send OOO to a station you chose from the pile-up and that station doies not reply but continues calling us. So why are you calling then at all? During the time we wasted we could have made somebody else happy who DID copy us.

That is the reason we favour the Lance W7GJ random procedure: If you copy us or at least see our sync, please do call with OOO. If you lost us then go back to calliung with call signs only. JR3REX gave a perfect example: He started calling us with OOO and we replied his call. Then we saw he went back to calling with both callsigns only so we understood he lost us. So we went on to working S52FO instead. Then we saw JR3REX calling with OOO agaion and so we worked him as next station after S52FO. That is how it is meant to be, a very very efficient thing.

If anyonee does not like the W7GJ procedure it is of course all fine: You can decide not to call us at all...or you need to wait until we have no callers using that procedure.

And not embarrass us by asking things like "why did you not receiver my RRR?". By the way this was asked by a station from which we never copied ROs at all and to which we never sent RRR so we wonder why he sent RRR to us. 

We try hard to complete with everyone to give you the new DXCC.

We will be QRV again at our moonrise + 12 deg today, around 1530Z with EF9LZ calling 1st on .114

Photos will be uploaded later today.

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